Freedom University: How To Make A Film, minus the camera
[begins late July-August 2018]
“If a million people see my movie, I hope they see a million different movies”
This is a quote from Quentin Tarantino.
“If my film makes one more person miserable, I’ve done my job”
This is what Woody Allen said.
“Filmmaking is a chance to live many lifetimes”
Says Robert Altman.
What makes a good movie? A movie that you can watch over and over again, or a movie that breaks your heart and scars you, or one that stays in your memory forever. Every person has a different idea about what a good film takes and what a good film gives.
And you?
You have a camera, you may know how to edit, but do you know what it takes to be a filmmaker?
In this 5-week course we invite filmmakers – of short films, commercials, music videos, documentaries and feature films, and ask them what it is that they want to teach to new filmmakers. Step into the shoes of these filmmakers and see what they see.
Speaker:Sherry & Norma, Photographers & Film Lovers, Freedom University
You have a camera, you may have gone to film school, does that mean you can make good films?
Film has the power to move people, plant emotions, create war.
Now in a world filled with cameras, any one can be a filmmaker – but what does it take to make a good film?
A powerful film, an exciting film, a destructive film?
Sherry & Norma, both photographers, film lovers, the curators of this course, kick off this film class.
ゲスト 望月冬子 & ジョン・エノス from Ashi Films
望月冬子とジョン・エノスは、過去2年間で40本以上もの作品を日本で制作し、今も精力的に活動し続けているフリーランスの映像作家。CNNやYahoo! Japan、ウォールストリートジャーナルを始めとし、日本の銭湯絵師からギリシャにおけるシリア難民まで幅広いジャンルのドキュメンタリー製作を行っている。ドキュメンタリー映画の裏側を知って、真実が持つ柔軟さと様々な側面を知ろう。
Guest:John & Fuyuko, Documentary Filmmakers, Ashi Films
What is TRUTH? Documentaries have the power to make people believe “truth” but what is truth?
Find out the reality of making documentary films, and how the TRUTH can be bent more than you realise.
John and Fuyuko have made over 40 films over the past two years in Japan together as freelance documentary filmmakers.
They work for CNN, Yahoo! Japan, The Wall Street Journal and filmed everything, from traditional free drivers in Japan to Syrian refugee camps in Greece.
ゲスト:カーク・バレット from Assemblage
Guest:Kirk Barrett, Assistant Director, Assemblage
How do you control someone’s mind in 15 seconds?
To make some believe that these clothes are cool, this car will change their life, that they will find true love?
Film has the power control people’s minds and lives, and young American filmmaker from Nashville, TN shares how he does it at production studio Assemblage.
ゲスト:ニコラス・ロビン from Assemblage
マイケル・ジャクソンは「Billie Jean」のミュージックビデオでムーンウォークを披露し、カニエ・ウエストは「Famous」で多くの著名人の裸を露わにし、ジョン・メイヤーは今になって低予算のミュージックビデオ「New Light」を発表した。この世の全てが映像に出尽くしたように思える今の時代、ミュージックビデオに物語性は求められているのか?
ゲスト Nicholas Robin, Director, Assemblage
How important is the story?
We’ve seen some of the most major dance moves (i.e. moonwalk, Billie Jean, Michael Jackson) and the most scandalous moments (i.e. Famous, Kanye West).
KPOP music videos are famous for their flashy excessiveness, while John Mayer shows low-budget music video works for his new song “New Light”.
Is the story ever important in music videos, especially today? Director Nico shares how he makes music videos from start to finish.
ゲスト Kento Hagiwara & Kyohei Fujita, Filmmakers
If you had 35 million dollars, what kind of film would you make?
Friends and filmmakers Kento Hagiwara (director of the live-action Tokyo Ghoul film) and Kyohei Fujita (in the process of directing his first feature film)
discuss the wonders and challenges of small and huge feature film-making.